Custom Shirts | Factory Tour

In 1961, two shirt makers, John La Resca and George Zimmerman, launched a small shirt manufacturing business in Paterson, New Jersey. Their vision was simple: provide America’s best specialty men’s stores with a custom shirt program they could not otherwise initiate on their own. Now, over 53 years later, Individualized Shirts (I.S.) continues to be America’s custom shirt maker. Becoming internationally recognized for the craftsmanship and passion they put into the product.

The I.S. shirt is made one at time, in the U.S.A. with a now scarcely used full yoke construction; collars and cuffs are hand-turned (hundreds of thousands of shirts, one at time); a minimum of 18 stitches per inch in the collar and shoulder; single needle tailoring; an unbreakable button; rigorously tested linen liners; and standard – though not mandatory – fusing on collars and cuffs. I.S. shirts will withstand years of commercial laundering. 

In addition to a (almost too?) comprehensive fabric selection, you also have the option of an assortment of collar (15 styles), cuff (12 styles), pocket (18 styles), monogram and other styling options. We then take 14 measurements and manufacture a quality product in approximately 4 weeks. All measurements are kept on file for ease of reorder. The likelihood of satisfying your shirting needs is virtually assured.

As you’ll see below in the gallery of photos and video, their operation is equal parts state of the art technology and good old fashioned hand-tailoring. The best of both worlds!

Factory Tour Video